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Cannon’s base beyond repair

By Staff | Nov 25, 2009

In September, the Tyler County Commission gave the green light to a grassroots group seeking to refurbish the World War I monument in front of the courthouse in Middlebourne. However, due to the deterioration of the monument’s base, the project has been put off until spring.

Meanwhile, the plan to erect two benches flanking the front walk commemorating the men and women who served during World War II will go as planned. The dedication of the monument has been slated for Dec. 6.

Financial support for both projects came through charitable donations from citizens devoted to the cause of honoring veterans, as well as the County Commission.

The coordinators of the projects, Bob Tippins and Tim Doty, are also making plans for a Civil War monument.

In other matters, Joe Long, director of corporate communications for Verizon, attended the meeting to discuss the purchase of Verizon by Frontier Communications.

Long took the floor on the subject, stating that he opposed the resolution to move to Frontier Communications.

He stated that in rural communities, such as Middlebourne, Verizon will run the lines to all areas of the community so everyone can receive broadband internet service. Money seems to be the obstacle. “We need the money to continue to do the job that was started,” stated Long.

Although, according to Long, Verizon stands to receive $55 million to continue to run the fiber optics lines through the rest of the area.

Vice President John Stender voiced some concerns about the proposal.

“We have AT&T towers around here, but it cuts off out Rt. 18 towards West Union. Will this help with this?” he asked.

Long stated that it would help extend the coverage areas.

Jolee Ramsay of the Communication Workers of America out of Wheeling also attended the meeting to express her opinion on the matter.

Ramsay stated that everyone should have the same services as bordering states and that staying with Verizon would bring back jobs to West Virginia.

“Verizon will be offering Fios, high speed internet and 911 call centers. Frontier does not have the resources to do that,” she explained. “If West Virginia does not pass the resolution to stay with Verizon, the state will not see any of that if Frontier moves in.”

“We are here today to ask you to deny the sale,” stated Ramsey.

The commissioners have until Jan. 12 to decide what is best for the county. They voted to table the matter until the next meeting scheduled for Dec. 8.